This change struck me as significant for food security and nutrition in rural Tigray

During a recent visit to a rural Tigray woreda, I witnessed a fascinating shift in farming practices. A farmer was using a tractor to prepare his land, a departure from the traditional ox-powered plows. Intrigued, I spoke with the farmer about his decision and the benefits. He explains a lot but one of the benefit took my attention and want to share it here.

He explained that previously, many women-headed households would rent their land to men, receiving only half of the harvest as payment. However, with the availability of tractor rentals, they can now plow their own land, reducing their reliance on men and increasing their potential harvest.

This change struck me as significant for food security and nutrition in rural Tigray, particularly for women-headed households. Access to mechanized farming could empower women to cultivate more land and produce more food, potentially leading to greater food access and utilization. The war in Tigray decimated oxen populations, further highlighting the need for alternative solutions like tractors. This development suggests a positive shift towards empowering women and bolstering food security in the region.

By: Aregawi Weldegebreal
